Ab workouts for Women should do one thing: give you a lean, hard midsection. Here we’ll talk about the basic rules and guidelines when doing ab workouts for women .More and more women want to know what the best way to get abs is and learn what they should eat as well.

Ab workouts should be performed much like any other muscle. Working them out every day as recommended by some fitness magazines will not work and would be a waste time. Training your abdominals 2-3 times a week should be enough if you work them in the right way. There are different set ups for a decent ab workouts for women depending on how you like to work out.

There are some basic rules to make the most out of your ab workouts for (Men|Women):

1) Workout your lower and upper abdominal muscles. Your abdominals consist of upper and lower abdominals, and also oblique. You should have exercises that target both lower and upper abdominals if you want a balanced ab regimen, so remember to incorporate lower ab workouts.

2) Workout intensively. Don’t spend your time doing hundreds of crunches while chatting to your workout partner. You should be struggling to complete your set of exercises and really feel a burn at the end of the exercise.

3) Make sure you feel your abdominals working. There are a lot of other muscles that can perform the same movement in an exercise, so you should spend some time targeting and feeling the burn in your abdominals when you are exercising them, If you are not feeling the exercise in your abdominal then you are probably doing it wrong and are not getting the full benefits.

4) Lower your body fat – you will not see your abdominals no matter how developed they are, if you have a high amount of body fat. You will start to see some abdominal shadow at 14% body fat, and really start to get defined at 10 – 12 percent body fat. Whether you diet, or do cardio to burn calories or even both is up to you, but it is an essential part of getting abs.

5) Be consistent – no matter which of the ab workouts for women you choose, you will get nowhere without consistency. It is possible for an average person to get a defined midsection within 8-12 weeks of consistent work. Unfortunately, many people will tend to drop out after only a couple of weeks after seeing no results. Obviously, one or two weeks will not magically transform you into an Adonis – you must really be consistent and stick to it. It is hard work that gives results.

6) Keep your motivation up. Motivation is one of the biggest reasons why people fail. Because weekly changes are so small to the eye, you will barely notice a change from day to day. One of the best ways to keep motivated is to take a before and after picture. If you keep consistent, and compare your progress to before you started your ab workouts for women  you will see exactly how far you have come along.

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