Ab toner workouts are one of the most searched words now a days as more and more people want to lose their flabby abs and get a toned, ripped and sculpted midsection. The abs is the most prone area for accumulation of excess fat. The excess fat from a bad diet gets stored in the form of bulging belly and love handles. Once this stubborn fat has occupied its place in the belly region, it requires lot of efforts and diet restrictions to flatten the stomach and get a toned, lean mid-section. Before moving on to ab toner exercises and some of the best ab workout, let us find out how fat gets stored in the stomach.

How is fat stored in the abs?

Most of the dietary fat that is stored in the abs comes from triglycerides. During the metabolism of fat in the body, fat is broken down in to fatty acids by the action of lipases. Now when you eat a candy or meal, the glucose, amino acids and fatty acids in the body stimulate pancreas to secrete insulin. Insulin stops the breaking down of fatty acids and amino acids and body cells start absorbing fatty acids, glucose and amino acids. The excess fatty acids are again stored back in the form of fat in the body, especially the midsection for guys. Now when you eat high calorie foods such as refined sugar, cakes, fried stuff; they provide more calories that the body requires, which gets converted in to fat and glucose and stored in the body by the action of insulin. Most of the fatty deposits are in the region of chest, waist and hips. Once the fat cells reach the limit of expansion, they start getting stored in the muscle linings. The result is flabby stomach. Diet that avoids evil foods such as fructose corn syrup, sodas and saturated fats work as an ideal ab toner diet. Let us see how to tone up the flabby stomach.

Ab toner exercises

Before we get into the ab workouts for us, let's look at which muscle groups make up our abs.

The abdominal region is comprised of four muscle groups:

Rectus abdominis- It is located length wise from pubic bone to mid chest. It helps in flexion, moving the lower body towards the chest and vice versa.

External Oblique- It is located diagonally to the rectus abdominis. It helps in twisting the waist.

Internal Oblique: It is located beneath the external oblique muscle and also runs diagonally. The function of internal oblique muscle is same as external oblique.

Transverse Abdominis: It is located horizontally across the abdomen. This muscle is pulled in when you suck your stomach. It helps in breathing.

Knowing the location and function of each abdominal muscle helps you to visualize the effect of each exercise. Before starting the lower ab workouts, start with exercising the lower part of rectus abdominis muscle, then obliques and then upper part of rectus abdominis. Exercises that build rectus abdominis muscle are crunches, sit-ups and jack knives. Exercises targeting transverse abdominis muscle are planks, abdominal vacuums and hanging knee raises. Oblique muscles can be worked out by doing crunches with rotation or cable rotation.

It is no secret that a good diet and good ab workouts for men are the best way to get abs. Remember to incorporate lower ab workouts to get rid of the stubborn lower stomach fat. Restricted diet and best ab workouts will be the ultimate ab toner.

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