
Some of the best ab workouts will surprisingly not be the exercises that target the abs.

For years people have thought that the best way to get abs was to do thousands of sit ups just to be able to get a six pack but this is certainly not true. In order to get a ripped midsection, you must lower your body fat percentage down and then build lean, abdominal muscle. Some people however have no idea how to do either step and will simply just guess. Though it may seem like all you need to do is eat less, there is more to the process.

Lift Heavy Weights

The best way to lower down your body fat percentage including stomach fat and at the same time build lean muscle, as well as lean abs  is to lift heavy weights. In order to lift the most weights, you must utilize the most muscle. This is done by doing compound exercises that hit multiple muscle groups and thus allowing you to lift more weights. Since a bicep curl will only allow you to lift a small amount of weight, it will not do much to help you gain muscle. The trick to losing stomach fat is to gain more muscle so that your body will be working harder to sustain those muscles. Compound exercises like squats, bench presses and pull ups should be the core of your workouts so that you will be able to truly become stronger and fit. The key is to focus on progression and to allow your body to lift more weight after every workout. (make sure to incorporate lower ab workouts )If you are able to add more weight after each workout, you will surely start to see and feel the results coming fast.

Eat More

As crazy as this piece of advice might sound, some guys might not have to eat less, but actually more. However, you cannot just eat anything that you want but only the foods that will give you the right nutrients. You will need to focus on getting the right amount of protein and to make sure that you are getting enough fruits and vegetables. The trick is to focus on eating foods that have been around for centuries to ensure that you are eating foods that are not processed. Chicken, fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables should make up the majority of your meals and you should focus on being able to incorporate these foods into your meals. Check out the ab toner diet guide for more on diet and nutrtion to lose stomach fat and get a six pack. Ignore the diet and nutrtion and your fighting a losing battle.

Trying to get ripped, shredded six pack abs is all about dedication and hard work, just as long as you know what you need to do. Too often we will spend hours in the gym but will end up not seeing any results. Once you are able to understand what you really need to do, you will be able to see the results much sooner. Stay dedicated to always wanting to learn more and focus on being able to work as hard as you possibly can. Once you are able to understand that compound exercises and a healthy diet are the best ab workouts for men and integrate it in your life, you'll get your dream abs before you know it!

Click here to learn more about the best ab workouts<<

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