Ab workouts for men has become one of the most searched phrases since every men has become very conscious about their physical appearance, especially their abs.

With the change in diet patterns and raising health problems, getting ripped abs has become more difficult. Every one desires to have ripped, shredded six pack abs and to achieve this you need to know what best ab workouts are. Many people that set off to learn the best way to get abs fall short of doing so because of lack of information. This problem mainly comes in when they do not know what are the best ab workouts for men  and how many times they should do the ab workouts during the week. In this article we provide you valuable information about the best ab workouts that will effectively help you in shedding of excess stomach fat accumulated in the abdomen and get the best abs you ever wished for in a short period of time.

Firstly, getting a six pack or great abs is not an easy task. It requires regular intense sessions of the best ab workout in addition to healthy and strict diet patterns. Keeping your training levels aside, you should organize your ab workouts by abdominal circuits and it should involve whole abdominal cavity. You should at all costs avoid unrealistic best ab workout schemes which end in stealing your money and could even have a negative effect on you. We give you detailed information about the ab workouts for men which also includes lower ab workouts and it is up to you to dedicate yourself to it and reach your goal. Remember that it takes time and it’s all worthy in the end. Some workouts are as follows.


It is the best ab workout as it starts working on your core muscles and releases lot of sweat from the abdomen which is a clear sign of burning calories. To do this, you have to stand straight and then you should bend down to crouch. Lying in a plank position, stretch your hands on the ground and start kicking your legs behind you. Then do a push up and then jump your feet forward to crouching position. Then stand up to first position stretching your arms jump as high as you can. You should do at least 5-8 burpees each day and increase the number as you get stronger.

Russian twists

These are the best lower ab workouts. It is a killer ab workout anyone can do with a little dedication. First, you lie on a inclined bench. Then make sure your thighs and abdomen are perpendicular to each other. Now, start keeping the core tight, squeeze your stomach and rotate your lower abdomen from left to right like a half circle. This is counted as one rep. Best results are obtained when you do it slowly without compromising your position.

The Plank

The other best ab workouts for men is the plank and stability ball, where you keep your feet on the ball and hands on the bench. Then keeping your core tight, squeeze the stomach muscles for one minute.

You’ll see all the hard work and dedication pay off before you know it and also remember to include a healthy diet with these ab workouts for men to get finally get those ripped, shredded six pack abs you always wanted!

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