The "Ab Toner Diet" helps you burn fat to have your lean, toned abs showing. But before we begin, ask yourself this question:

Do you know the difference between foods that burn fat and foods that store fat? You see, it doesn't matter how many ab workouts you do or how many ab machines you buy, if you're still eating junk, than you're fighting a losing battle. 

There are also so many commercials out there trying to fool us into thinking their food is actually healthy, but in the end, how do we really know? Here, we'll talk about some of the things to look out for in the foods that you buy for your ab toner diet, what type of foods to eat that will actually help you lose body fat and get lean abs and learn what the "most important meal of the day" is and more.

More and more food companies are trying to trick us into believing their food is healthy for us, I'll give you a scenario: you go to the grocery store and you see a "diet" product labeled as natural. Do you really know what this means. A lot of these so called diet and healthy foods are actually the opposite. The actual meaning of "diet" and "natural" is being manipulated in most food items now a days to lead you to believe their food is healthy, but there is a way for you to actually find out if this is so.

Nutrition Label

Yup. If you want to check out the truth about a certain food product, check out the nutrition label. Nutrition labels don't lie. I'll give you two of the top ingredients you want to keep out of your ab toner diet. High Fructose Corn Syrup and Tran-saturated Fat. The evil these two ingredients do to your body and your abs are enough to write a book about, but just make sure when buying your groceries next time to keep away from these, even though the label may say the food containing these ingredients are natural or diet food, trust me, they're not.

So what should you include in your ab toner diet?

In Mike Gearry's ebook, Truth About Abs, he talks about the top six nutrition categories. These are protein, carbs, healthy fats, minerals, water and vitamins.

Make sure you include all of these in your daily meals. Let's talk about each of these a little more:

Protein: Foods such as ham, turkey, chicken, beans (yup, beans), fish etc. are a great source of protein

Carbs: All leafy green veggies are a go on this on. Green vegetables such as broccoli are actually the best way to get your carbs from.

Healthy fats: Such as fish oils, avocados, flax seed, almonds etc. Contrary to popular belief, not all fats are bad. You absolutely have to be eating healthy fats.

Minerals: Iron, magnesium, calcium, etc.

Water: Surprise, surprise. Water does so many things for you, yet you probably don't drink as much as you know you should. Drinking water has been linked to weight loss as well as it can help to decrease appetite craving. Consider drinking a glass of water before your meal to prevent over eating.

Vitamins: Its ideal to take a good multi-vitamin just in case you're not getting all of your necessary vitamins from your meals 

The most important meal of the day

Just remember, any ab toner diet should emphasize the most important meal of the day, the post-workout meal. This is the time where your body needs nutrients the most, and a perfect nutrient packed home-made shake is on of the best ideas to drink as a post-workout meal. You can get my free ebook in the home page by signing up where in it you'll learn more about the importance of your post-workout meal and what are the best ingredients to add in your shake that'll have your ab flab melting off and get you a lean, ripped midsection.

If you like to learn more the best Ab Toner Diet, like:

-Fat burning foods or fat storing foods
-The simple solution for eating a healthy diet that promotes fat loss permanently
-The truth about the food pyramid 

and more than click below:

Learn the secrets of the Best Ab Toner Diet

Truth about abs is a program developed by Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutritionist Mike Geary. It is a diet and fitness program, specifically targeting the abs. If you are looking to melt off unwanted stomach fat and developed a lean midsection, then Truth About Abs is the right choice for you.

Here's lets go into a bit more detail on the Truth About Abs program and why you will get your desired results from it.

Over all, Mike breaks down the ebook into 3 main "sections". They are the mental aspects, diet and nutrition and workout routine to get six pack abs 

Right in the beginning of the book, Mike addresses that all of the techniques in the book will get you results regardless of gender or age. He explains it is because of our human psysiology. 

Right after this, Mike begins to talk about the first section, your mental attitude. Mike begins to brake down how your mental attitude is directly linked to your success in obtaining a smaller waist and sculpted abs. He then gives you some powerful mental tactics to develop the right attitude and motivation to make sure you stick with your ab regimen.

Following this, Mike begins to talk about diet and nutrition. This section is the largest section out of all three, as Mike believes that what you eat is what makes you or breaks you. You can workout all you want, but if your eating the wrong things day in and day out, you won't get much results.

This is where Mike's knowledge on nutrition really shows, as he explains food and nutrition like only a real expert would know and cements himself as a knowledgeable nutritional expert in the eyes of his readers. In here Mike goes in depth in topics like:

  • The overwhelming importance of your diet
  • The blood sugar/insulin process, carbs, and GI of foods
  • Why not to follow fad diets
  • Eating the right fats can actually make you leaner
  • Balanced healthy eating
  • Importance of infrequent overfeeding
  • Meal frequency and the thermic effect of food
  • Two hidden evils in our food supply
  •  The importance of dietary calcium and dairy for staying lean
  • The secret fat loss benefits of teas
  • Another metabolism boosting food in your cabinet
  • Stubborn belly fat and estrogenic compounds and what you need to look out for to avoid these excess estrogenic compounds
  • Summary of dietary strategies
  • Healthy balanced meal plan ideas/examples

and a lot of other topics in the subject of diet and nutrition.

Mike's last section deals with workouts that actually workout your midsection; unlike crunches, sit-ups and most of these ab machines.

Here Mike also shows his expertise as he teaches you the right workouts to burn body and stomach fat to get a ripped mid section and just as important the proper way to do them to prevent injury. 

In his Truth About Abs program, he also talks about other topics like the truth about cardio and weather or not it really burns off fat, full body workouts to burn stomach fat, detailed descriptions of the exercises along with his advanced secret weapon exercises and putting it all together into an effective training routine. 

In his Truth About Abs program, Mike also takes you back to "school" as he teaches you the abdominal musculature components (the ab muscles and where they are located) and itheir functions to help you better understand exactly how each ab exercise tones your midsection.

Most people that have purchased Truth About Abs have enjoyed it, over 97% to be exact, as Truth About Abs has the lowest refund rate in its industry.

So if you're looking to lose stomach fat and get six pack abs, then I recommend Truth About Abs as your solution.

 Learn more about Truth About Abs Here<< 

Let’s look at some ab toner exercises you can do that are not “ab workouts”. They also workout other body parts which also targets the abs. So you work out your abdomens  and other body parts at once! Before you know you’ll have your ripped abs showing. ( Combine with the ab toner diet to get rid of extra stomach fat. If you ignore the diet aspect, you’ll be shooting your self in the foot ) So let’s look at some ab workouts for men:

Renegade Dumbbell Rows

Renegade rows are one of the best ab workout because it will workout your entire core like crazy! These are a must have in your ab toner arsenal. On top of really kicking butt on your entire upper body, but your entire core and abs area have to stay firm throughout this exercise. It actually is alot more changelling than it sounds.

Hanging leg raises

This is one of the best ab toner moves. WARNING: Do NOT acrch your back when performing this move! It is true that doing it the right way is more challenging, but will work your abs even better. Have shoulder width grip when hanging from your pull up bar.  Have your knees slightly bent, aslmost as if they are straight. Begint to raise legs up until they are almost touching your pull up bar, and curl your pelvis up. (Your back should round as you curl your pelvis up) NOTE: remeber to not arch your back. It’s critical to curl up your pelvis as this is the point of the ab workout.

Lying leg thrusts

This is one of the best  ab workouts for men. This ab workout has two parts: – a halfway down leg raise, which is followed by a hip thrust. Begint by lying down on your back while head and shoulders are raised off of the floor.Your hands are facing palms down on the floor next to your hips, and your legs should be at a 90 degree angle from the ground. Begin to lower your legs slowly, only half way to the floor to an angle of about 45 degrees from the ground. Don’t go all the way to the floor with the legs. From the 45 degree position, raise your legs back up to the 90 degree position. Once the legs are back at the 90 degrees position (no further), thrust your hips off the floor.

Reverse crunch

Begin lying on your back on the floor with feet flat on the ground, your knees should be at a 90 degree angle, your palms on the floor next to your hips, and your head and shoulders lifted just slightly off of the ground. Crunch your lower body off the floor by curling your pelvis back toward your head. Don’t use momentum. Instead, use ab strength to do the ab workout.

Renagade Dumbbell Rows

Get in a push up stance with a dumbell on each hand. Begin rowing your right arm up to your side. As you are rowing up your right arm, keep your left arm solid as if you are trying to press it through the floor. Now put the right dumbbell back to the ground, and now row with your left arm while keeping your right arm firmly planted.

These ab exercises are some of the best way to get abs. Perform these exercises correctly to get the best results. Have a weekly ab workout schedule and make sure to stick with it. Remember to also take a look at the ab toner diet which you will get the best results when combined with these ab toner moves.

The best way of reinventing and transforming your body is by doing ab workouts.

Getting a toned body not only boosts up your confidence, you get respect from your buddies and attention from females and above all, you feel energetic and healthy about yourself. Well…to gain all these benefits, you just require 30 minutes from your daily busy routine.

The best ab workouts focus on exercises that are harder to do and are specifically designed to build eye popping muscles for getting six pack abs. Choosing the right set of exercises help you in getting desired results in shorter time. These exercises require time to show the results so instead of just rushing on to things, have patience and make consistent efforts for some time. Let us explore some of the best way to get abs:

Crunch Ball:

This is the best ab toner and works on upper abdominal muscles. Sit on a stability ball with your feet placed wide apart on the mat. Now slowly lean back on the ball in such a way that the back is parallel to the floor. Raise your arms with hands positioned towards the ceiling. Try to lift your body by contracting your abs and crunch them as much as possible for you then gradually move to the normal position.


It is the best lower ab workout, which targets the side areas of the body or you can say love handles. Take a supine position with feet wide apart on the ground. Lift the upper body from the floor and twist it towards the left side. This will contract the oblique muscles. Stay in that position for couple of seconds and then repeat the exercise by turning to the right side.

Windshield Wipers:

This exercise requires lying down position on your back with your arms placed wide apart on your sides. Raise your lower limbs and bring them to vertical position with respect to the floor. Now turn your hips to left, moving both legs to left side and then rotate them on right side. Repeat this windshield wiper motion slowly.

Jack Knife:

 This lower ab workout focuses on both lower and upper abdominal muscles. Take a supine position with your hands placed above your head. Now lift your arms as well as legs towards the ceiling until you are able to touch toes of your feet with your fingertips. Gradually move your arms as well as legs back to the original position.

Full Body exercises:

Fully body exercises could be considered the best ab workout and are an effective approach to build those strong, tight muscles is to include full body exercises in your training program that help in stimulating fat burn and muscle building response. Some of the examples of full body exercises that generate tremendous stabilization tension in your abs are squats, upper body presses, lunges, dumbbell swings and dead lifts. 30 minutes cardio four times in a week also help in getting those ripped ribs.

Remember, everything comes at a cost. Getting six packs abs is not an easy task. It requires determination and efforts and hours to do effective ab workouts.

The best way to get abs would arguably be something that most people simply do not want to do. If getting six pack abs were easy, then everyone would be able to walk around in their swimsuit and flaunt their lean abs. However, what most people do not know is that in order to get something that most of the population does not have, you must do the things that a lot of us hate. Getting six pack of abs is a feature that a lot of men and women work hard for but they will often not do the right things to be able to achieve their goal. If you are serious about being able to have your abs show, you should certainly keep these things in mind.

Wind Sprints

One of the best way to get abs is wind sprints. As one of the most tiring sports in the fitness world, running wind sprints will have you tired in less than 12 seconds. Though you will be doing an extreme session of only about 20 minutes, wind sprints will still be able to take its toll on your body. This is also called high intensity interval training and will have you grasping for air on almost every part of the training. For your abs to show, you must burn the fat off first so that your muscles will be able to be seen. This however will not be only thing that you need to do to be able to get a stronger core and also one of the best ab workouts to get ripped, six pack abs.

Strengthen Your Core

In order to have toned abs, you must have strong abs. Though this might seem like common sense, some of us tend to forget that you must do core exercises to still strengthen your abs. Planks will certainly allow you to get stronger and will have your core working hard. This is a wonderful exercise for athletes and will certainly still be good for the average person who just wants to get in shape and/or loose belly fat. A lot of people do not realize the importance of the core and will often neglect exercises like the plank but it is very important for your health. There are different variations of the plank and each one will target different areas. Once you master the plank, you will certainly start to see a big change in your body composition, and it’s also one of the best way to get abs.

The last thing that you should focus on is your nutrition and being able to eat the right foods. In order to get abs, you do not necessarily need to take supplements but you will need to focus on eating the right amount of healthy foods. The kitchen is arguably where your abs are made and so you should really put your attention on the foods that you eat. Keep track of the foods that you eat and keep in mind that you must be able to lose stomach fat first before you are able to see any results regarding your abs. If you are able to utilize these three things, you will certainly learn that this the best way to get abs.

Ab workouts for Women should do one thing: give you a lean, hard midsection. Here we’ll talk about the basic rules and guidelines when doing ab workouts for women .More and more women want to know what the best way to get abs is and learn what they should eat as well.

Ab workouts should be performed much like any other muscle. Working them out every day as recommended by some fitness magazines will not work and would be a waste time. Training your abdominals 2-3 times a week should be enough if you work them in the right way. There are different set ups for a decent ab workouts for women depending on how you like to work out.

There are some basic rules to make the most out of your ab workouts for (Men|Women):

1) Workout your lower and upper abdominal muscles. Your abdominals consist of upper and lower abdominals, and also oblique. You should have exercises that target both lower and upper abdominals if you want a balanced ab regimen, so remember to incorporate lower ab workouts.

2) Workout intensively. Don’t spend your time doing hundreds of crunches while chatting to your workout partner. You should be struggling to complete your set of exercises and really feel a burn at the end of the exercise.

3) Make sure you feel your abdominals working. There are a lot of other muscles that can perform the same movement in an exercise, so you should spend some time targeting and feeling the burn in your abdominals when you are exercising them, If you are not feeling the exercise in your abdominal then you are probably doing it wrong and are not getting the full benefits.

4) Lower your body fat – you will not see your abdominals no matter how developed they are, if you have a high amount of body fat. You will start to see some abdominal shadow at 14% body fat, and really start to get defined at 10 – 12 percent body fat. Whether you diet, or do cardio to burn calories or even both is up to you, but it is an essential part of getting abs.

5) Be consistent – no matter which of the ab workouts for women you choose, you will get nowhere without consistency. It is possible for an average person to get a defined midsection within 8-12 weeks of consistent work. Unfortunately, many people will tend to drop out after only a couple of weeks after seeing no results. Obviously, one or two weeks will not magically transform you into an Adonis – you must really be consistent and stick to it. It is hard work that gives results.

6) Keep your motivation up. Motivation is one of the biggest reasons why people fail. Because weekly changes are so small to the eye, you will barely notice a change from day to day. One of the best ways to keep motivated is to take a before and after picture. If you keep consistent, and compare your progress to before you started your ab workouts for women  you will see exactly how far you have come along.

Ab workouts for men has become one of the most searched phrases since every men has become very conscious about their physical appearance, especially their abs.

With the change in diet patterns and raising health problems, getting ripped abs has become more difficult. Every one desires to have ripped, shredded six pack abs and to achieve this you need to know what best ab workouts are. Many people that set off to learn the best way to get abs fall short of doing so because of lack of information. This problem mainly comes in when they do not know what are the best ab workouts for men  and how many times they should do the ab workouts during the week. In this article we provide you valuable information about the best ab workouts that will effectively help you in shedding of excess stomach fat accumulated in the abdomen and get the best abs you ever wished for in a short period of time.

Firstly, getting a six pack or great abs is not an easy task. It requires regular intense sessions of the best ab workout in addition to healthy and strict diet patterns. Keeping your training levels aside, you should organize your ab workouts by abdominal circuits and it should involve whole abdominal cavity. You should at all costs avoid unrealistic best ab workout schemes which end in stealing your money and could even have a negative effect on you. We give you detailed information about the ab workouts for men which also includes lower ab workouts and it is up to you to dedicate yourself to it and reach your goal. Remember that it takes time and it’s all worthy in the end. Some workouts are as follows.


It is the best ab workout as it starts working on your core muscles and releases lot of sweat from the abdomen which is a clear sign of burning calories. To do this, you have to stand straight and then you should bend down to crouch. Lying in a plank position, stretch your hands on the ground and start kicking your legs behind you. Then do a push up and then jump your feet forward to crouching position. Then stand up to first position stretching your arms jump as high as you can. You should do at least 5-8 burpees each day and increase the number as you get stronger.

Russian twists

These are the best lower ab workouts. It is a killer ab workout anyone can do with a little dedication. First, you lie on a inclined bench. Then make sure your thighs and abdomen are perpendicular to each other. Now, start keeping the core tight, squeeze your stomach and rotate your lower abdomen from left to right like a half circle. This is counted as one rep. Best results are obtained when you do it slowly without compromising your position.

The Plank

The other best ab workouts for men is the plank and stability ball, where you keep your feet on the ball and hands on the bench. Then keeping your core tight, squeeze the stomach muscles for one minute.

You’ll see all the hard work and dedication pay off before you know it and also remember to include a healthy diet with these ab workouts for men to get finally get those ripped, shredded six pack abs you always wanted!

Lower ab workouts focus on flattening the stubborn abdominal fat and getting a well-toned abs. Apart from helping in getting sculpted lower abs, lower abdominal exercises are important for providing spinal stability and prevention of lower back injury. 

The abdominal muscles comprise of distinctive set of muscle groups-upper, lower and side or oblique muscles. These muscles groups are lower part of rectus abdominus and transverse abdominus. All these muscle groups work in sync to assist in movement and flexibility of the upper as well as lower part of the body. 

The lower stomach region is the hardest area to get high definition because most of the abdominal exercises do not focus specifically on the lower abdominal region. Here, we will discuss best lower ab workouts for guys that will specifically target these two muscle groups.

LOWER ABDOMINAL EXERCISES: It is important to perform these specific lower abdominal exercise correctly.

• Cycling: To do this exercise, lie down on your back and extend your legs. Place both your hands behind your head. Lift both the legs and move them as if you are cycling. Repeat this movements 10-12 times.

• Leg Lifts: This exercise is considered as a great Ab toner. Lie down on your back with your legs straight and your arms placed on either side of the body. Gently lift both the legs at an angle of 45 degrees and hold this position in air for few seconds. After that, bring them to rest. Doing this exercise 6 to 10 times in a day help in toning the lower abdominal muscles.

• Crunches Using Exercise Ball: To perform this exercise, sit on an exercise ball. Keep your hands behind your head and then gradually recline back. Move in a forward as well as backward in a sort of inclined crunch. This is one of the best ways to get abs as it is working out the muscles of your lower and upper abdominal regions.

• Crunches and Leg lifts: This exercise is a bit complicated but is quite effective in tightening the lower abdominal muscles. Lie down on your back and raise your fee t two  inches above the floor. Raise your right knee and your upper body like a crunch, without lowering your feet. Maintain the position for few seconds and then straighten your leg and lower your upper body. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

• Reverse Crunch: Lie on your back with your arms on your sides. Bend your knees and bring them towards your chest, lifting your buttocks off the mat. Hold the position and then slowly lower your legs to the starting position.

• Pelvic lifts: Lie down on the mat with arms on either side. Lift both the legs in a ninety degrees angle with your feet pointing towards the ceiling. Slightly bend your knees and lift your pelvic region as if you are trying to push your feet towards the ceiling.

The above mentioned are some of the best ab workouts for men and should be done carefully and slowly to avoid any injury or muscle sprain. These abs workouts not only help in getting a toned sculpted midsection, but also strengthen your core and provide stability to the spinal region as well as sexy V-shape waist line that only lower ab workouts can give you!

Click here to learn the best ab workouts<< 

Ab toner workouts are one of the most searched words now a days as more and more people want to lose their flabby abs and get a toned, ripped and sculpted midsection. The abs is the most prone area for accumulation of excess fat. The excess fat from a bad diet gets stored in the form of bulging belly and love handles. Once this stubborn fat has occupied its place in the belly region, it requires lot of efforts and diet restrictions to flatten the stomach and get a toned, lean mid-section. Before moving on to ab toner exercises and some of the best ab workout, let us find out how fat gets stored in the stomach.

How is fat stored in the abs?

Most of the dietary fat that is stored in the abs comes from triglycerides. During the metabolism of fat in the body, fat is broken down in to fatty acids by the action of lipases. Now when you eat a candy or meal, the glucose, amino acids and fatty acids in the body stimulate pancreas to secrete insulin. Insulin stops the breaking down of fatty acids and amino acids and body cells start absorbing fatty acids, glucose and amino acids. The excess fatty acids are again stored back in the form of fat in the body, especially the midsection for guys. Now when you eat high calorie foods such as refined sugar, cakes, fried stuff; they provide more calories that the body requires, which gets converted in to fat and glucose and stored in the body by the action of insulin. Most of the fatty deposits are in the region of chest, waist and hips. Once the fat cells reach the limit of expansion, they start getting stored in the muscle linings. The result is flabby stomach. Diet that avoids evil foods such as fructose corn syrup, sodas and saturated fats work as an ideal ab toner diet. Let us see how to tone up the flabby stomach.

Ab toner exercises

Before we get into the ab workouts for us, let's look at which muscle groups make up our abs.

The abdominal region is comprised of four muscle groups:

Rectus abdominis- It is located length wise from pubic bone to mid chest. It helps in flexion, moving the lower body towards the chest and vice versa.

External Oblique- It is located diagonally to the rectus abdominis. It helps in twisting the waist.

Internal Oblique: It is located beneath the external oblique muscle and also runs diagonally. The function of internal oblique muscle is same as external oblique.

Transverse Abdominis: It is located horizontally across the abdomen. This muscle is pulled in when you suck your stomach. It helps in breathing.

Knowing the location and function of each abdominal muscle helps you to visualize the effect of each exercise. Before starting the lower ab workouts, start with exercising the lower part of rectus abdominis muscle, then obliques and then upper part of rectus abdominis. Exercises that build rectus abdominis muscle are crunches, sit-ups and jack knives. Exercises targeting transverse abdominis muscle are planks, abdominal vacuums and hanging knee raises. Oblique muscles can be worked out by doing crunches with rotation or cable rotation.

It is no secret that a good diet and good ab workouts for men are the best way to get abs. Remember to incorporate lower ab workouts to get rid of the stubborn lower stomach fat. Restricted diet and best ab workouts will be the ultimate ab toner.


Trying to find the best way to get abs just might be one of the most confusing tasks for most people simply because of the influx of information that's available about ab workouts.

The act of losing weight and getting a six pack can often seem impossible to a lot of us but it is possible, no matter how hard it may seem. Though many will think that you must buy a crazy gizmo or even a program to get in shape, all you really need is the right information on what you need to do. There are too many "tips" out there that will have you running for hours every day or eating practically no food throughout the day and these are simply not the best ways to get abs. If you are serious about finally having the toned abs that you have always wanted, you will need to know the very first steps.

Eat Healthier

All of us know the importance of nutrition and how it can affect our body but most of us neglect the importance of food. You will get the most results from having a fairly strict diet and if you are able to eat the right foods. The main problem however is that most people have no idea as to what they should eat and how much. Trying to figure out how much you should is virtually impossible but once you know what foods to avoid, you will be able to make healthier choices. Junk food and sodas should be the first things that you eliminate from your diet because of the ingredients inside. With nothing but sugars and calories, junk food and soda will have you feeling slow and eventually have you gaining weight. If you are able to eliminate junk food and sodas from your diet and add foods that have been around for centuries, you will be able to see results fast. This means that foods like chicken, fish, fruits and vegetables should make up the majority of your diet and you should strive to eat at least 5 to 6 times a day. The amount of food you eat will however be determined by how much you work out.


The next thing to think about once you are able to eat healthier is to become more active. The problem however is that most people are led to believe that they must spend hours on the treadmill to be able to lose stomach fat and get a six pack but this is not true. The best ab workout to do is something very intense and will have you tired by the time you have been working for 20 minutes. High intensity interval training just might be the best way to lose stomach fat and so you should certainly focus on being able to utilize this type of training to get a lean midsection.

If you are looking for the best way to get abs these are the two things that you need to focus on to be able to get in the best shape of your life.
